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At Bellator, mission success depends on talented, dedicated personnel. Because of this, Bellator has designed and developed an internal recruiting tool, TightScope. TightScope ensures a successful demonstration providing qualified personnel in support of our customer's requirements. The TightScope recruiting concept follows six precise phases: potentials, prospects, candidates, approvals, job training, and active work.

The development of this tool enables interested potential candidates to access our user-friendly recruiting portal that eliminates the stress and confusion of traditional recruiting. Upon registering for a job profile a member of our Recruiting Team will be in contact with you to help aid you through process. Accessing the portal allows a potential candidate the ability to:

If you find a position that is right for you, please feel free to create a job profile and start filling out the first round of paperwork. One of our talented Recruiters will be in contact with you as soon as possible. Should you have any questions during the process, please feel free to visit our staff page to contact a member of our HR team directly.